Saturday, August 31, 2013

0 Corruption "mischief parent" >< brawl "juvenile delinquency"

It is strange and funny when we say corruption as a parent delinquency, strange but true. In addition to losses to the state, but also said to be the people's money makers, because the fact is they are all on salary at public expense. While juvenile delinquency is usually synonymous with brawls, hit each other with each other even need each other. In addition, juvenile delinquency is common in drug abuse and casual sex, those with drug and cool to enjoy casual sex without thinking about their future. No matter, whether they are a generation that is damaged or not, the important "happy life, death disco".

Both of these delinquency (parents and teens) will be an interesting trend, followed by a lavish lifestyle and enjoyment of the world that are served by the makers of entertainment. As with the parents - our parents are, will and have done corruption. No matter whether it is all illegitimate or not to do, which is important to a lot of money. Moreover, the enforcement of which is still favoritism in Indonesia, which is difficult to go to jail while the rich are poor, with no strings attached.

Nevertheless, more and more of it enchanted, corruption happens every day, as well as the brawl that never absent. Example of corruption, there are still many cases unresolved, such as the case hambalang, Century and other cases. Surely we all know that the delinquency parents are very outrageous, need to be given a lecture or input so that they will not be naughty again, like the same angry teenager in his parents and given a warning by police father.

Corruption will be kosher and no longer questioned if all the policy holders an average of corruption (corruption together), because corruption is not considered dangerous but it would be a good practice and benefit everyone. Because the concept is built, if the welfare and approved by all people then it would be considered good.

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