Sunday, September 1, 2013

0 Rupiah Declined, Tempe Not Be Bought

In a tradition of Lombok, soybean is usually planted after rice harvest, and this is done in some rural areas that are difficult to water. For example, the region south-central Lombok, this state is inversely proportional to the west of Lombok who never drought, water always flows to each resident to meet the needs of rice farmers water, so usually most western Lombok farmers grow rice for the second time. As with the Lombok east and Lombok middle.

After the rainy season passes, meaning harvest is over. The farmers, planting rice after switching to snuff, because most people never absent east Lombok to grow tobacco. Soybeans are not so important anymore after tobacco could prove to be a positive alternative to support their families even to finance the education of their children out of the area and abroad. As with the central Lombok that the soil is always smiling when after the rainy season, the land can only be planted with soybeans or left without planting anything, in other words, for four or five months the land was not used because the water is so difficult to obtain .

So we can conclude that the region-specific areas, such as soybeans into the area east of Lombok last alternative when tobacco is more profitable, and this is the case also in the coastal south-coast beaches, such as mullet Selong area, winnowing, maun, areguling, and surrounding areas. Farmers prefer tobacco than in soybean. Nevertheless the government still NTB (NTB governor) troubling the farmers by the drop in tobacco prices in 2012 yesterday. Tobacco prices fell precipitously without regard to how the struggle of farmers in meeting the needs of life.

In the news media lately, more media shined the high prices make soybeans and tofu and Tempe makers out of business. And this was due to the weakening of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar price of America, despite such policy holders are not able to do anything other than provide a new option for Indonesian farmers and tofu and Tempe makers.

Aside from being the manufacture of soybean was soy has good efficacy for the body because it contains high levels of protein and lecithin. Protein itself is useful for the formation of muscle cells are lecithin can build intelligence and memory, it is very beneficial for a child's growth.

Soybeans, or soybean, is one of the leguminous plant that forms the basis of much of the East Asian foods such as soy sauce, tofu, and Tempe. Based on archaeological heritage, this plant has been cultivated since 3500 years ago in East Asia. Soybean is a major source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil. Soy producer in the world is the United States even though practically new soybean cultivated communities outside Asia after 1910.
But the fact is, the farmers should be surprised by the lack of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar resulting in soybeans have soared higher than usual prices. From the positive side, rising soybean prices into the profit for the farmer, but the reality is not comparable to the high price of the others for support it better soybean growth. So soy import will be toughest competitor for farmers. On the other hand, tofu and Tempe makers also have to rack my brain to continue to meet market needs, and the needs of their everyday lives.

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